If you are an individual who wishes to sign off on this declaration, please enter a comment below.
If you want your Tumblr or WordPress blog to count as your signature, you can include it below.
Hellenismos Suggestions
If you are an individual who wishes to sign off on this declaration, please enter a comment below.
If you want your Tumblr or WordPress blog to count as your signature, you can include it below.
Hellenismos Suggestions
Markos Gage says:
Markos Gage, Dionysian Artist, accepts the Xenia Declaration.
Holly Brown says:
Holly Brown, accepts and fully supports the Xenia Declaration.
Ianthina says:
Ianthina fully supports the Xenia Declaration!
Samantha Leaver says:
Joshua Saunders says:
Signed and wholeheartedly agreed.
Lauren says:
Lauren accepts and fully supports the Xenia Declaration.
Prisma says:
I fully accept and support the Xenia Declaration
cindy pacelli says:
Signed and agreed
J. Marcus Campbell says:
J. Marcus Campbell faithfully and ardently support the Xenia Declaration. – Signed 11/25/2019
Rob Berra says:
I support this declaration.
Taran Nyhus says:
Signed and wholeheartedly agree
Benedict Hirsch says:
Benedict Hirsch, English and History teacher from Germany, constantly trying to educate younger generations about the dangers of xenophobia and extremism, wholeheartedly supports the Xenia Declaration.
Chris Moseley says:
I and Xunixeon production support Xenia Declaration 100%
Serene says:
Serene, and Hellenic Reflections fully supports the Xenia Declaration!
Evan Sinclair says:
I support and sign this declaration!
Desiree says:
Desiree supports and signs this declaration
Damien Helson (Hellson Alt.) says:
I, Damien helson support and sign the xenia Declaration! I’m a dyonesian monolatrist, and will make sure to be as inclusive as I can be!
Please talk to me on Discord if you are interested in chatting further!
-> @Damien Hellson#6969
Sky says:
I, Skylar Thomas, fully accept and support the Xenia Declaration.
Liam says:
I wholeheartedly support the Xenia declaration.
Gordon Freeman says:
Mellita Lemelin says:
Mellita Lemelin supports the liberation, freedom, and equality of all
Trinity Morris says:
I, Trinity Morris, support and back the Xenia Declaration.
Jacob Ward says:
Jacob Ward, accepts and fully supports the Xenia Declaration
Shan says:
Shan, aka Compasswitch fully supports the Xenia Declaration
Ariel says:
I, Ariel, sign and fully support the Xenia Declaration in honor of the gods.
Jennifer Dallos says:
I fully support the denial declaration.
Melvin Bashans says:
Melvin Bashans, accepts and fully supports the Xenia Declaration. ?
Meredith Spies says:
I support the declaration.
Adam says:
I support this!
Zoe Athanasiadis says:
I Zoe Athanasiadis (aka pearlsforerotes in tumblr) agree and support the Xenia declaration!
Mary Kehoe says:
I, Mary Kehoe, support and pledge to uphold the Xenia Declaration.
Diane "Emerald" Bronowicz Egelhoff says:
I fully support this declaration.
Darren Jones says:
Excellent scheme, my full support!
Itz says:
Itz Alvarez accepts and supports Xenia Declaration
Angel says:
I support this declaration!
Garrett wills says:
Garrett Wills supports the Xenia Declaration
Jason Pierce says:
Jason Pierce fully supports the Xenia declaration
Nikolas Clark says:
I fully support the Xenia Declaration.
Phoenix says:
Phoenix Virgil Wood fully accepts this declaration.
Bruna says:
Bruna Fernandes accepts the xenia declaration ♡
Ever Grace says:
Fully support this declaration.
ianLovecraft says:
I accept and fully support the Xenia Declaration
freak says:
I, internet username dionysianfreak, fully support the Xenia Decoration
Sally says:
I support the xenia declaration!
Aikaterini says:
I support and sign this declaration.
Gordon Freeman says:
I support and sign this declaration.
Alexandria Sofiakis says:
Alexandria Sofiakis signs and accepts the wonderful Xenia Declaration <3
Michael says:
I, mikedoesshite, accepts and supports the xenia declaration
Æpaphos says:
Æpaphos accepts!
SMCGeelen says:
I totally agree
Zachariah Shipman says:
Zachariah Shipman fully embraces and supports the values and principles of the Xenia Declaration!
Yvonne Day (Koronia Deyla) says:
I, Yvonne Day, am in full support of this declaration. May the Gods bless us all!
Molly Cornelius says:
I fully embrace the Xenia declaration. May all who come in peace be welcomed in good faith and treated with respect, dignity, and compassion.
Melanie Crump says:
Signing in full support of Xenia declaration!
Emma-Jayne C says:
I definitely support this!
Garrett wills says:
I, Shrekitralph2, support the xeinia declaration
Francisco says:
I sign and fully support the Xenia declaration.
Ann Hatzakis says:
Ann Hatzakis, Oath-bound Devotee of the Daughters of Kronos, Hestia, Demetra, and Hera, accepts and fully supports the Xenia Declaration
Sara Mastros says:
Sara Mastros professes the Xenia Declaration.
Samael Banael says:
Greetings from Australia! Polytheist, eclectic, seeker of beauty and divinity and everything inbetween. Sam Bandy supports, signs and agrees with the Xenia Declaration.
Viktoria Whittaker says:
Proudly signed and accepted! <3
Cora Loftis says:
Signed and accepted. 🙂
Sharon Fitzhugh says:
Kisseos, follower of Hekate and Hermes, supports and espouses this declaration
TJ Hartman says:
I support the declaration
Kassandra DeWeese says:
I pledge my support and will encourage my family to actively support the Xenia Declaration.
Michelle Greathouse says:
I fully support the Xenia Declaration.
Jennifer Durfee says:
I Jennifer Durfee, veiled devotee of Hestia, do hereby sign this decree.
Gavin Anderson says:
I fully support the Xenia declaration.
Brian McDonald says:
I, Brian McDonald, also Xaphriel Vulpes Luciferos, devotee of Eris and Apollon, hereby accept and fully support the Xenia Declaration.
Arti Kapoor says:
I accept and support the declaration
Luis A. Valadez says:
Luis A. Valadez, Hierophant of the Orphic Strix Tradition, accepts this Xenia Declaration.
Thymele says:
Thymele fully supports the Xenia Declaration.
Raquel Jardim says:
Raquel Jardim fully supports the Xenia Declaration.
Brandon McCage says:
Lord Gnosis of Thessaly, Priest of Hekate
Kat says:
Katelyn Grosek, Devotee of Aphrodite and Apollon, Hellenic Polytheist, Accepts the declaration
Sophia Hope says:
Sophia Hope fully supports the Xenia Declaration!
Isabella Walker says:
TheSkyAtNight, follower if Asteria, accepts and honors the Xenia Declaration.
Maksym Lagiewka says:
Maksym Lagiewka fully supports and accepts the Xenia Declaration.
taryn moore says:
Taryn Niquole Moore, fully supports and accepts this declaration
Sruthi Medicherla says:
I accept and swear to abide by the Xenia Declaration.
Jayden Cheal says:
Jayden Cheal fully supports and accepts the Xenia Declaration
William E Mc Millen says:
I William E Mc Millen
will abide by the Xenia declaration.
Selenephilos says:
https://selenephilos.tumblr.com/ I support the xenia declaration.
JRL says:
JRL, heaveus on Tumblr, accepts and supports the Xenia Declaration.
kurtis says:
Kurtis Sesnie supports the xenia declaration
Ricardo Espinoza says:
Ricardo Espinoza, accepts the Xenia declaration.
Alice Ticaric says:
I, Alice Ticaric, happily accept the Xenia Declaration.
Bianca says:
Christopher Hinkle says:
Chris H. Celtic Pollythiest. I fully support and endorse the xenia declaration.
Damien Helson (Hellson Alt.) says:
I, Damien helson support and sign the xenia Declaration! I’m a dyonesian monolatrist, and will make sure to be as inclusive as I can be!
Please talk to me on Discord if you are interested in chatting further!
-> @Damien Hellson#6969
David Ridge says:
David Ridge as well accepts the Xenia Declaration
Hope Varnedoe says:
Hope Varnedoe, RenewalofSpirit online, accepts and fully supports the Xenia Declaration.
Emily Raffety says:
I Emily Raffety, a disabled LGBT+ ecclectic witch, swear to uphold the Xenia Declaration to the best of my ability. We are stronger together.
Antinoüs Seranill says:
Antinous Seranill, French, Author on Hellenismos and Witchcraft accept and sign the Xenia Declaration. Khaire !
Gwen Andros says:
Gwen Andros, devotee of Hestia, swears to be an adherent of the Xenia Declaration.
Viola W says:
Viola West, artemis and hades devotee and solarpunk activist, signs the xenia declaration.
Lizzie says:
Kore (iliosflower) supports the Xenia declaration wholly.
Madelynn Sawyer says:
I, Madelynn Sawyer, accept, support, and will honor as best as I can the Xenia Declaration.
Amanda Longo says:
Amanda Longo accepts and supports the Xenia Declaration.
Mikhail Yang says:
I, Mikhail Yang sign and agree to the Xenia Declaration.
Hannah Hopkins says:
Signed and agreed
Rae says:
I fully support the xenia declaration
Sara says:
Xenia is a vital part of our religion. To not sign this declaration is hypocrisy.
Izzy D says:
Izzy D, of The Temple Doors, accepts the Xenia Declaration.
Kaety Brewster says:
Kaety agrees and supports the Xenia Declaration.
Ant Van Brunt says:
Ant Van Brunt, Athenian Devotee, fully supports the Xenia Declaration.
Richie says:
I, a Ares and Aphrodite worshipper and Queer BIPOC person, accepts the xenia declaration.
Hamish says:
Signed and agreed fully.
Christina Wisdom says:
I sign the xenia declaration in hopes that it brings honor to me and the gods
Rubi says:
Firmado y de acuerdo
Michelle Magafas Flood says:
I couldn’t figure out how to just post. So, I replied. I, Michelle Magafas Flood accept and sing the Xenia declaration
Levi says:
Levi accepts the Xenia Declaration.
Erinnes says:
Kalinyxta, I Erinnes, devotee of Hermes, Athena, Hades, Khaos, endorse this declaration of Xenia.
Isabella Wilson (Cox) says:
Isabella Wilson (Cox), Witch and follower of Athena, fully supports and accepts the Xenia Declaration.
Niamh B. says:
Niamh S. Blackwell, history student, wholeheartedly supports and signs the Xenia Declaration
Bee Crump says:
Bee Percy Crump, accepts and fully agrees with the Xenia Declaration
Siel F says:
Siel, signs and accepts the Xenia Declaration.
Ezra Barrulas says:
Ezra Barrulas supports and signs this declaration!
Arwen says:
Arwen (also known as thebeautifulthorns on tumblr), signs and fully supports the Xenia Declaration.
Kairon-Aléxandros says:
Wholeheartedly & completely agree.
lilly says:
Lilly full accepts the Xenia Declaration
Corey White says:
Corey White supports the xenia declaration! 1/3/2023
Kita V. says:
Kita Viruet, content creator, accepts and supports the Xenia Declaration.
Rob Echlin says:
I, Rob Echlin, accept and fully support the Xenia Declaration.
I am a spirit talker, and supporter of Artemis and Aphrodite, as well as some non-Hellenic deities.
Jasper Mills says:
I, Jasper Mills, fully accept and support the Xenia Declaration. Gods bless and watch over your battles, friends.
Kelsey Hightower says:
Kelsey Hightower, fully supports the Xenia declaration
N. Andrew says:
I accept and fully support the Xenia Declaration
Poe says:
I, Edward Poe Smith, Follower of the Theoi, sign and fully accept the declaration.
Ferris Von Astrea says:
I fully support the Xenia Declaration.
Dirk Mason Rutledge says:
Dirk Rutledge accepts and fully supports the Xenia Declaration
Alexander 'Aicerno' Griffith says:
Aicerno ÓCathasaigh Ap Gryffydd née Alexander Blaine Griffith Itinerant Druid and Shaman-in-training accepts the Xenia Declaration!
Caden Harboldt says:
Caden Harboldt fully signs and agrees with the Xenia Declaration!
Jonathan Sousa says:
Signed in agreeance
Holly Brown says:
I accept and fully support the Xenia Declaration. ❤
Carla Kerr says:
Agreed wholeheartedly.
Thanatos Mist says:
Thanatos Mist, also know as Lynette Guffey, accepts the Xenia Declaration
Grey says:
Grey Weiss-Markward, red lotus witch accepts and gladly supports the Xenia Declaration.
Peter Raftos says:
Signed and agreed.
Melitta Stafford says:
Signed and fully support
Stephanie hickinbottom says:
I accept and agree with the Xenia declaration x.
Cassandra Jane says:
I accept the Xenia Decleration. Signed and agreed.
Eve Marie Johnson says:
Cecelia Gruss says:
Signed and agreed
Courtney Lai says:
Signed and agreed
Patrick Dunn says:
Rev. Rob Henderson says:
Signed and agreed.
Althaea Sebastiani says:
Signed and agreed.
Kenneday Tiralana Degraffenreid says:
I stand in agreement with you all as an interfaith ally.
Nicholas A Kempin says:
I, Nicholas A Kempin, dedicant to the Chthonic God’s, do hereby sign this declaration.
Aneirin Pendragon says:
I, Aneirin Pendragon, Hellenic Polytheist, Classicist-in-training, and creator of the YouTube channel The Ancient Geeko-Roman, supports and agrees with this declaration.
Mel Eatherington says:
Signed and agreed.
Ricky Eitner says:
Signed and agreed.
Brittany Bisbee-Green says:
signed and agreed.
Emily Stewart says:
signed and agreed!
John C Gieler says:
Signed and fully supported!
Estara Sanatani says:
Signed and agreed.
Sally Austin says:
Emily Lynch says:
I accept the Xenia Declaration
Avalon Dantine says:
I fully support and accept the Xenia Declaration
Erin Fallath says:
Signed and agreed.
Venus Clark says:
Signed with my full support for the Xenia Declaration.
Alex LaFountain says:
I as an individual sign off on this and agree to this with the Gods as my witness.
Mario Pabón says:
Enthusiastically signed and agreed
Melia Phosphorou says:
I accept and support the Xenia Declaration.
Lyssa Little Bear says:
Signed and agreed.
Jennifer Lawrence says:
As poet and reverent devotee, I agree with all my heart.
Rune Hinterland says:
I agree and sign.
Duffi McDermott says:
Signed and agreed.
Michelle Anne Robinson says:
Signed and agreed.
River Enodian says:
Signed and agreed.
Jenica Camden says:
Signed and supported by Jenica Camden.
ella says:
i agree <3
Ashe Pallas says:
Signed with great enthusiasm!
Peter says:
Agreed. Bigotry has no place in our practice
Alexander Glaspie says:
In agreement with the Xenia declaration.
Katherine Goodemote says:
Signed and agreed.
Peter says:
Emily Hedrick says:
B.A. Davis-Howe says:
Rev. Amber Doty says:
I fully support the Xenia Declaration and everything it stands for. Discrimination of any kind has no place in my faith.
David "Thexalon" Kleinschmidt says:
I, Thexalon, absolutely support this declaration. I will gladly support the efforts of any person who wants to connect with Hellenic religion.
Eva says:
Signed happily!! ?
Kelly Martinez says:
I agree and sign this declaration with the Kindreds as my witnesses.
Servia Aurelia Gemella says:
I agree and sign
Joe Xavier says:
I fully support the Xenia Declaration.
Thomas Crowe says:
I accept this declaration.
Rose W says:
As a follower of Hellenic gods, I support the virtue of hospitality towards all who are of good intent. Hestia welcome all who would sit by the warmth of Her hearth fire.
Pinar says:
Signed and agreed wholeheartedly.
Rev. Jan Avende says:
Signed and Agreed: Rev. Jan Avende
Tess Robertson says:
Signed and agreed.
Rev. Jean Pagano says:
Blessings of hospitality to one and all.
Kara de Groot says:
Kara de Groot accepts and supports the Xenia Declaration.
polyphanes says:
Sam Block (polyphanes), priest and magician and author, happily agrees to, fully supports, and hereby signs the Xenia Declaration.
Lin/Druida says:
As someone actively working to help spread info on the Theoi, I’m so excited to agree to this declaration on behalf of myself and the blog I run.
Mars says:
Mars Miktus signs and supports the Xenia Declaration
Jeremy Closs says:
Jeremy Closs signs and supports the Xenia Declaration.
Héctor Santiago Esquivel says:
I fully agree with The Xenia Declaration, for a more virtuous and accepting world.
Brian Dixon says:
I pray to the Greek Gods without claiming Greek heritage. It’s my right and anyone else’s, regardless of heritage.
Alastor Magison says:
I sign in agreement.
Bonnie, aka, Delia says:
I accept the Xenia Declaration as a follower of Apollon and Artemis
Ashley Suzanne Musick says:
I, Ashley Suzanne Musick, sign this declaration in total agreement with its prepositions.
Mickey M says:
Yes I agree
Rene Sasobek says:
I, Rene Sasobek, subscribe to and agree to act in accordance with the Xenia Declaration.
Frances says:
I, Frances, known online as Sister of Iris, agree with and sign this declaration.
Katie says:
Katie aka nuri signs in agreement
David Dashifen Kees says:
David Dashifen Kees signing on.
Jaime Leigh Chambers says:
Jaime Knight (Chambers) agrees and signs to this declaration.
Helena P Hendrix says:
I, Helena Hendrix, sign in support and agreement.
Sirena Rosemoon says:
I, Sirena Rosemoon, worshipper of Aphrodite, fully support the Declaration
Thenea Pantera says:
Duncan Brennan says:
I, Duncan Brennan, of the Heathen Traditions wish to join my Brothers, and Sisters of the Hellenistic Traditions to renounce hate and discrimination.
Doug Hayden says:
Doug Hayden signs in agreement
Ember K Miller says:
Dean Cameron says:
Dean Cameron is proud to support this Declaration.
Liese Swann says:
I, electronically known as Liese Swann, agree with the sentiments of the Xenia Decalaration and support it wholeheartedly. Hate has no place in our ancient faiths.
I support this declaration.
Robert Tucker says:
Robert Tucker, devotee of Athena of the grey eyes, affirms and signs this declaration.
Jen pierce says:
Now is the time to be vehemently anti-racist
Ashley Tarver says:
I fully agree and support this statement.
Zoe says:
I, Zoe, sign in support and agreement of this declaration.
April says:
I, April, sign and fully support this declaration.
Danny Keen says:
I sign and fully support this declaration. Hate has no place at my hearth.
Andrew Edwards says:
Blessings of the Gods, I could not agree any more wholeheartedly.
Marisol Chabonneau says:
Marisol Charbonneau, author of Mother of Mortals and The Cloud Born, sings the Xenia Declaration.
Vincent Russo says:
I accept and support the Xenia Declaration.
Strongbear Forturso says:
I sign and fully support this declaration
Primrose says:
I, Primrose, author of the Nightshade and Roses blog and social media pages, sign and support this declaration.
Sean Johnson says:
I accept the Xenia Decleration. Signed and agreed.
Evren says:
Evren, devotee of the ecstatic and tripartite Lord Bromios, signs and agrees completely with the Xenia Declaration. May the virtue of Themis and the guidance of Nemesis guide our community through these dark times.
Gwendolyn Reece says:
Gwendolyn Reece of Theophania Temple of Athena and Apollon agree wholeheartedly and am signing.
Kirk Thomas says:
I support this
Richard Wandel says:
Richard Wandel endorses the Xenia Declaration
Sophia says:
Sean Johnson says:
I, Sean, sign in support and agreement of this declaration.
Leanne Pemburn says:
I accept and support the Xenia Declaration!
Viktor Gyenis says:
I am very glad that I can accept this Declaration!
Aynsley Meshanic says:
Aynsley Meshanic fully supports the Xenia Declaration!
Kate Gunther says:
Blake Allen says:
I, Blake Allen, accept the Xenia Declaration.
Rory says:
I, Rory, accept and fully support the Xenia declaration.
Hermione Volino says:
Follower of Artemis, Athena, and Apollon. I accept the Xenia Declaration
Lori James says:
I, SolarFaire, AKA Lori James, Accept and approve of the Xenia Declaration.
John H Wells says:
John H Wells supports the Xenia Declaration.
Ally Capri says:
I, Ally Capri, fully accept and advocate for the Xenia Declaration.
Erdem Kutlu says:
Xenia Declaration has my full support!
Holly says:
I, Holly, fully accepts and supports the Xenia Declaration
Eridanus Darryl Kummerow says:
I, Abba Eridanus Darryl Kummerow, accept, affirm, and advocate for the Xenia Declaration.
Rinji-Caspian Merwin-Kasumi Payne says:
I Sign today, the Xenia Declaration of my own free will, support and full understanding.
Mavican Hawk says:
I accept and fully support the Xenia Declaration
N Bean says:
I accept and support this Declaration.
Evelyn Wolke says:
I accept a d support the Xenia Declaration.
I fully accept and support the Xenia Declaration
Qarath Satyros says:
I fully accepts and supports the Xenia Declaration.
Ewe says:
I fully accept and support the Xenia Declaration.
Amy says:
I fully accept and support the Xenia Declaration.
Katelynn Brown says:
I, Katelynn Brown, fully accept and agree with the Xenia Declaration.
Nicole says:
I, Nicole Smith, accept and agree with the Xenia Declaration.
Erica says:
I accept and support the Xenia Declaration.
Courage Karnga says:
I, Courage Karnga, accept, agree with, and otherwise support the Xenia Declaration.
Siren Chthonia says:
I, Siren Chthonia, student, worshiper and witch of our beloved hellenic pantheon, fully agrees with and endorses the Xenia Declaration. My hearth is open to everyone.
Áristos says:
I, Áristos, under the eyes of all-seeing Zeus accept the Xenia Declaration!
Thomas Chrisman says:
I, Thomas Chrisman, accept and stand by the notions of the declaration.
Dakota Tittle says:
I Dakota, accept and support the Xenia Declaration!
Fayruz Luna says:
I accept and defend this declaration of Xenia.
Charles Tachtos says:
Charles Tachtos, queer witch, writer of Witchus Canadia and devotee of Lord, Lady and Godx Dionysus, agrees and signs with the Xenia Declaration
Susan Snook says:
I agree and fully accept the ideas and concepts set forth in the Xenia Declaration, Thank you.
Riven Scythe says:
Riven Scythe, Deathwalker, fully supports and endorses the Xenia Declaration as a son of Anpu and as a MWLM.
Stephanie Olmstead-Dean says:
Stephanie Olmstead-Dean, fully supports.
Alhuren Bereza says:
Alhuren Bereza hereby embraces and supports the Xenia Declaration.
Jay Logan says:
I add my name in support of the Xenia Declaration.
Battie says:
I, Battie, fully accept and support this declaration wholeheartedly.
Ælpís says:
I accept this declaration for all my fellow Hellenists and in the eyes of all the blessed Gods.
Eren says:
I support and agree to the Xenia declaration
Isabelle Steingone says:
I, Isabelle Steingone, fully accept and will uphold the Xenia Declaration.
Isabelle Steingone says:
I, Isabelle Steingone, fully accept and will uphold the Xenia Declaration.
Odiko Ptino says:
I fully support and defend the Xenia Declaration.
Maresa Duguay says:
I, Maresa and worshipper of the Theoi, support the Xenia Declaration.
Heather K Veitch says:
I, Heather (aka Heathwitch), fully support and agree to the Xenia Declaration.
Melissa says:
Hail Zeus, hail the mighty Theoi, I fully support the Xenia Declaration.
Eli Paden says:
I, Eli Paden, proudly sign the Xenia declaration
Aeirisophia says:
As a follower of the Greek gods, I, Aeirisophia, hereby accept and give my full support to the Xenia declaration
Rebekah Murphy says:
I, Rebekah Murphy, devotee of Hermes, Athena, and Hekate sign this decree.
Eric Steppa says:
I, Eric Steppa, accepts and fully supports the Xenia Declaration.
Oliver Clarke says:
I, Oliver Clarke, fully support the Xenia Declaration.
Tara Stocks says:
I, Tara Stocks, fully support the Xenia Declaration.
Micah Pelfrey says:
I accept the Xenia Declaration !
Tony Brown says:
I, Tony Brown, devotee of the great God Dionysos, accept and support the Xenia declaration.
Victoria Ledic says:
I, Victoria Ledic, fully support the Xenia Declaration.
Midnight MoonSong says:
I fully support the Xenia Declaration.
Ash Trudeau says:
I, Ash Trudeau, devotee to Earthshaker Poseidon, compas of my life, sign the Xenia Declaration in full agreement.
Gareth Damian Thomas says:
Gareth Thomas, Senistrognata, curmudgeon, and scientist, accepts and agrees with this.
Patrick Sullivan says:
It is my Will to add my support to the Declaration.
Eric V. Sisco says:
My name is Eric V. Sisco, and I unilaterally support and endorse this declaration.
Emily S says:
I accept and support the Xenia Declaration.
Aliakai Gauch says:
Aliakai Gauch, Hellenic Reconstructionist, accepts the Xenia declaration
Diane Kay Schluter says:
Diane Schluter, Maenad, I sign the Xenia Declaration in full agreement.
Emily Kamp says:
I, Emily Kamp, Orpheotelest, fully agree to and endorse the Xenia Declaration.
Kere Priest says:
Martin Shaw says:
In honor of all the immortal gods I gladly accept the Xenia Declaration.
Martin Shaw
Carey Oxler says:
I, Carey Oxler, fully agree to and endorse the Xenia Declaration.
Emanuele Longobardi says:
I sign the petition.
John Opsopaus says:
I support the Xenia declaration.
Dorn Simon says:
I fully accept and support the Xenia Declaration.
Struggle Bus says:
I am in full support of the Xenia declaration and hope to speed this to my fellow Hellenists. (I’m using my username because I’m not out yet)
C Bryan King says:
NiankhSekhmet (Christina Paul / Fanny Fae) says:
Wholeheartedly agreed, accepted and supported.
NiankhSekhmet (Christina Paul / Fanny Fae) says:
Amaryllis says:
I support this Declaration
Dawn Black says:
I wholeheartedly support the Xenia declaration.
Jessie says:
I wholeheartedly support the Xenia Declaration!!
Azra Hawthorne says:
I Azra Hawthorne accept, agree to and will follow the Xenia Declaration.
SeanPatrick says:
I fully support the Xenia Declaration.
Paul Aune says:
I fully support, agree to, and will follow the Xenia Declaration.
Lisa Nosal says:
Brittney says:
I sign and support the Xenia Declaration
Stephen Hawkins says:
I support the Xenia declaration
Allyson Johnson says:
I sign and support the Xenia Declaration. No one should be excluded for things beyond their control.
Corie says:
Beth Hiler says:
I fully support this!
Ian Chambers says:
I agree to this Declaration.
Patrick says:
I support the xenia declaration. Many things are out of our control. That shouldn’t cause us to be excluded from any group.
Nikodemos says:
Much needed. Thank you for this.
Olteanu Cosmin says:
Olteanu Cosmin, president of TNPD from Romania and the first Romanian figure which institutionalize Paganism in Romania
Kate DeWeese says:
Kate DeWeese, accepts and fully supports the Xenia Declaration
Silviu Pop says:
Silviu Pop, Dionysian Hellenist, President and founding member of the Pagan Society. I accept and fully support the Xenia Declaration!
Grace Ann says:
Grace Ann, Hellenic Polytheist. I accept and fully support the Xenia Declaration x
Rev. Ayliah Amber Cannon says:
As a member of the LGBTQIA community, and Chief of Hellenic Kin of ADF, I sign this in full support and encourage all ADF members to follow in my example.
Sophia Hope says:
Sophia Hope fully supports the Xenia Declaration!
Serene says:
Serene, and Hellenic Reflections fully supports the Xenia Declaration!
Kyler Luffy says:
I fully support, accept, and agree to the Xenia Declaration.
Kyler Luffy, Hellenic Polytheist.
Matt Maltese says:
This priestx (or insert any gender neutral version) in training in AZ signs off on Xenia
Klaytonos Ioulianios Beten-Siloúios says:
Klaytonos Ioulianios Beten-Siloúios, i.e., AzoresHeliokles of Hellenic Faith, accepts the Xenia Declaration.
willow/echo says:
I, Echo McGann, fully accept the Xenia Declaration
Chloe Smith says:
I, Marissa Memori, Draconian Hellenist and Follower of the ways of Hekate, Dionysos and the rest of their pantheon, accept the Xenia Declaration
Felix Childress says:
I, Felix Childress, fledgling Hellenic polytheist, full-heartedly accept the Xenia Declaration.
Magnoliessence says:
Fully supportive of this movement, it is absolutely heartwarming to see the number of signatures it has already gained❤️
Elizabeth Mercadante says:
I, Elizabeth Mercadante, @forthegloryofthetheoi on tumblr and instagram, fully support and agree to this declaration.
Daniel B. says:
I, Daniel Boschet, devotee to the Gods, @inlightofolympus on Tumblr, full-heartedly accept and sign the Xenia Declaration.
Naomi says:
I fully, and whole heartedly, support the Xenia Declaration
Xander Vincent Hadesson says:
I, Xander Hadesson, devotee to Hades, Persephone, and Apollo, swear to stand by and support the Xenia Declaration for all of my days.
M. D. says:
M. D. Agrees and supports the Xenia Declaration!
Chris Moseley says:
Chris Moseley, owner of Xunixeon Production on YouTube support this
Max Burscheidt says:
My blog, theoitastic.wordpress.com, supports the Xenia Declaration.
Jason Morrison says:
my name is Jason Morrison, I am a Zeus devotee whom one day will reach the title of Hierophant, and me and the temple I will one day build will stand for the Xenia deceleration.
R.M. McGrath says:
R.M. McGrath of Sacred Blasphemies agrees enthusiastically.
Emily says:
I support the Xenia Declaration fully.
Tesa Clawson says:
I, Tesa Clawson, accept and fully support the Xenia Declaration. May the gods see to my punishment if I fail to uphold the declaration.
Kaliya Chicane says:
I fully endorse and support the xenia declaration
Raquel Jardim says:
I, Raquel Jardim, accept and fully support the Xenia Declaration.
Leah says:
I, Leah, also knows as “theladyoflove” on Tumblr, happily and proudly sign and support the Xenia Declaration!
zero says:
i, zero, wholeheartedly support the Xenia Declaration
Aurelia (kirkeshandmaiden) says:
I, Aurelia, wholeheartedly accept and completely support the Xenia Declaration
Rae says:
I, Rae, also known as “awitchysapphic” on Tumblr, sign and proudly support the Xenia Declaration.
Brande George says:
I, Brande George, accept and support the Xenia Declaration.
Jen says:
I, Jen, wholeheartedly supports the Xenia Declaration.
Celine Robichaud says:
I, Celine, aka Melissa12 on Discord, accepts and signed the Xenia Declaration.
Alex says:
I wholeheartedly support and agree with the Xenia Declaration.
Faithlynne says:
I fully support the Xenia Declaration!
heartsol says:
I fully support this declaration!
Rebecca says:
I fully support and agree with the Xenia Declaration.
Cass Plevyak says:
I, Cass Plevyak, sign, support, and agree with the Xenia Declaration.
Dylan M Nash says:
I, Dylan Nash, fully support, sign and agree with the Xenia Declaration.
Eduardo Marck says:
As a devotee to Apollon and Hekate and hellenic polytheist, I wholeheartedly support this.
Kudos from Brazil!
C.S says:
I fully support and wholeheartedly agree with the Xenia Declaration.
Y.A. says:
I, Y.A., fully support, endorse, and agree to act upon the Xenia Declaration!
Misha Magdalene says:
I, Tamsin Davis-Langley a.k.a. Misha Magdalene, sign and support the Xenia Declaration.
Rose Westwood says:
I, Rose Westwood, support the Xenia Declaration with all my heart and soul.
My tumblr blog supports the Xenia Declaration
Mayhem Olympia says:
I, Mayhem Olympia, sign and fully agree to the Xenia Declaration.
Alih Thomas says:
Signed and support the Xenia declaration
Snowy says:
I, Snowy Equinox, support and sign the Xenia Declaration and will withhold these values on my Tumblr daughterofthegoldenandthesilver
Jasper Taylor says:
I, Jasper, support and uphold the Xenia Declaration. In the name of Aphrodite and Dionysus.
Michael P Anderson says:
I sign this declaration with the intent of a pure-heart, to expand my connection to others and share our combined experiences. I sign believing that committing myself to this pledge is in accordance with my goals surrounding Arete.
Aurora says:
I, Aurora, signs and supports the Xenia declaration.
Tumblr: thegrapeandthefig.tumblr.com
Wordpress: thegrapeandthefig.wordpress.com
Asturias YoungOak says:
Asturias and Coven Lunae et Virgam heartily sign and will uphold the xenia agreement.
Tiny says:
I have signed and agree to uphold this declaration with all my heart.
tumblr: tinywitchysniff
Apis says:
I fully support this, sifn and agree to uphold this!
Ellie says:
I sign and fully support this declaration
Sam Heap says:
I hereby sign and support the Xenia declaration.
Stefanos Chelydoreus says:
I, Stefanos Chelydoreus, from Athens, Greece, accept and sign the Xenia Declaration.
Mar Trapaga says:
I, Mar Trapaga, knowingly and wholeheartedly sign and support the Xenia Declaration
Hrath says:
I, Hrath an atheist who strongly agrees with the message will sign the Xenia Declaration
Lyn McKay says:
I, Lyn, wholeheartedly support the Xenia Declaration
Dakotah says:
I, Dakotah, wholeheartedly support the Xenia Declaration.
Aidan K says:
I, Aidan, wholeheartedly agree with and support the Xenia Declaration.
Jami M says:
I, Jami M, Hellenic polytheist, sign and wholeheartedly support the Xenia Declaration.
Lucas Suzigan Nachtigall says:
Lucas Suzigan Nachtigall, Brazil, Hellenic polytheist, sign on and support the Xenia Declaration
Rory C. says:
I, Rory C., an atheist from the Netherlands sign the Xenia Declaration, in agreement with the message and intent stated. Not convinced of any deities, but definitely convinced we should stand together and make the world a better place.
Εννέα says:
I, Εννέα, fully support the Xenia Declaration from now until the inevitable Heat Death of the Universe.
Patrick Arakel says:
I, Patrick Arakel, fully support the ideals of the Xenia Declaration.
Jonathan vodila says:
I accept the xenia declaration
Bacon says:
I, Bacon, fully support the ideals of the Xenia Declaration.
Brandon Wilson says:
Agree 100%
Chris Adams says:
As fellow polytheist, I, John Christopher Adams, fully support the Xenia Declaration, and encourage others to do so.
Kyla Richter says:
I Kyla Richter, fully support the Xenia Declaration
Asha says:
I support this
Jericho Spades says:
I, Jericho Spades fully support the ideals of the xenia declaration
Darlene says:
I, Darlene O., fully support the Xenia Declaration
Celeri says:
I, Celeri, a Kemetic Recon-Revivalist, fully support the ideals of the Xenia Declaration.
Patrick DeWitt says:
Patrick DeWitt wholeheartedly accepts and supports the ideals of the Xenia Declaration.
Midnight says:
I, Midnight Mist, sign and support the Xenua Declaration
Bryan A Augustus says:
I, Bryan Augustus fully support the Xenia Declaration! Praise Apollon, praise Hecete!
Yairelin Frias says:
I accept the Xenia Declaration!
I support the Xenia declaration, who are we to try to gatekeep the divine? That’d be awfully arrogant of us to try, wouldn’t it?
Paul Pfeiffer says:
Welcoming and being kind to visitors and strangers is an important part of not only Pagan but human belief. It is so often the poorest among us who practice this whilst the rich and the selfish rarely do. Treat everyone with dignity and kindness until they show they don’t deserve it. Give everyone a second chance if you can. Be kind.
Tawnis Commanda says:
I used to be the kind of person who likely wouldn’t have signed this. I didn’t understand the need for this kind of inclusion however over time and watching bad things happen to myself and others for unchangeable facets of who we are, I realize how necessary this is. In the past few years, I changed and grew up much. Ancient Greek culture had many things that in modern society don’t fly well but if this religion is to survive into the future it will have to meet the needs of modern society. I believe for that society to be healthy this kind of inclusion is necessary.
Ryan Younker says:
I, Ryan, Celtic/Norse Recon-Revivalist polytheist, fully support the ideals of the Xenia Declaration.
Bully says:
I, Bully (known as “the minitaur” on social media), a Hellenic reconstructionist, fully support the Xenia Declaration.
Bully says:
I, Bully (known as “the minitaur” on social media), a Hellenic reconstructionist, fully support the Xenia Declaration.
Miles Valentine says:
I, Miles Valentine, sign and fully support the Xenia declaration.
Xavier Lee says:
I sign and agree to keep Xenia in my home.
August Kharis Tarver says:
I, August Kharis Tarver, sign and fully support this Xenia Declaration.
David says:
David Rhodes, a new pagan, signs and fully supports everything in the Xenia Declaration!
Teo says:
I, Teo Braun, fully agree and support the Xenia Declaration.
Devan says:
The YouTube channel D. Asklepiades supports and hereby signs The Xenia Declaration.
Tomsci says:
Signing this because of my want to unite the people. All those isms divide us. I want to unite.
Renegade the Unicorn says:
I, Renegade the Unicorn, hereby support and sign the Xenia Declaration as a devotional act to Zeus. We must fight hatred in all its forms to keep polytheism from falling into the same traps organized religion has.
Hyonati says:
Εγώ, Αναστασία Λέκκα, υποστηρίζω τη Διακήρυξη του Ξένου ως πιστή των θεών και των Ελληνικών αξιών.
Leah says:
My name is Leah and I both sign and support the Xenia Declaration
Patrick Golden says:
I Patrick Golden do hereby sign and support the Xenia declaration as a person, as well as a Góði sworn to follow and heed the Powers.
Tarn Nemorensis says:
I, Tarn Nemorensis, hereby signs and supports the Xenia Declaration.
ZalrokChaos says:
I, Zalrok Chaos, sign and support the Xenia Declaration!
Stilgar says:
Je suis Stilgar, j’approuve pleinement la Déclaration de Xénia et la signe.
Sandra Smith says:
I, Sandra Smith, endorse and support the Xenia Declaration.
Jax Robideaux says:
I, Jax Robideaux sign and support the Xenia Declaration.
Garrett White says:
I, Garrett White, sign and wholeheartedly support the Xenia Declaration.
Mx. David Dashifen Kees (they/them) says:
David Dashifen Kees, honored to sign and support the Xenia Declaration.
Maria says:
I fully support the Xenia Declaration
Jazminna says:
I fully support the Xenia Declaration
Tahlia says:
I agree to and fully support the Xenia Declaration.
Ana Valens says:
I, Ana Valens, fully accept and support the Xenia Declaration
Charles DeLeo says:
I, Charles DeLeo, fully accept and sign the Xenia Declaration.
Nico Leach says:
I Nico Leach, sign and herby support and swear to uphold the Xenia Declaration.
Liam Inglis says:
I, Liam Inglis, fully accept and sign the Xenia Declaration.
Jade Stark says:
I, Jade Stark, fully support this declaration of Xenia being a Norse Pagan wishing the best for our Hellenist practitioners.
Bennett Shoop says:
I, Bennett Shoop, fully support and sign the Xenia declaration
Cece Pitts Henderson says:
I fully accept and support the Xenia Declaration
Kenn Payne says:
I, Kenn Payne, devotee, priest and Torchbearer of the Goddess Hekate, am in full support of the Xenia Declaration.
Merrow Little Fox says:
I Merrow Little Fox, devotee of Hekate fully accept and support the Xenia Declaration. I promise to carry it’s spirit and ethos forward in both my life and any groups I run.
André Torres says:
I fully support the Xenia declaration.
Asna Wagley says:
I, Asna Wagley, agree and abide by the Xenia Declaration.
Ashlynn says:
I accept and wholeheartedly support the Xenia Declaration as a Hellenic Polytheist and devotee of Ares.
Nayelis Cardenas says:
I, Nayelis Cardenas, fully support of Xenia Declaration.
Persephone Everheart says:
I, Persephone, accept and support the Xenia declaration.
Letizia says:
I, Letizia Lemma fully accept and support the Xenia declaration
Rory Cohen says:
I, Rory Cohen, accept the Xenia declaration in going forward with my Hellenistic practices.
Ghost says:
I, Ghost, fully support and will uphold the Xenia Declaration.
Kelsi says:
I, Kelsi Kramer, accept and support the Xenia declaration.
David Lester says:
I am 100% down with this.
Lýkos Steelfang says:
I, Lýkos Steelfang, accept the Xenia Declaration.
The Brambled Way says:
I accept the Xenia Declaration (as it is written at the time of my signing) as a follower of Hestia and a devotee of Dionysus. And I wholeheartedly support the spirit in which it was created.
Jeanette says:
I accept the Xenia Declaration as it is written at the time of my signing as a devotee of Hekate and follower of Artemis.
Morgan Lyle Keen says:
I, Morgan Lyle Keen, sign.
Pentrose Elson says:
Though I know not yet which path is mine to follow I, Pentrose Elson, fully support the Xenia Declaration.
Iphigenia Laurus says:
I, Iphigenia Laurus, support and agree with the Xenia Declaration.
Cristian Ferreira says:
I, Cristian Ferreira, accept the Xenia Declaration as a Greco-Roman and Lusitanian polytheist.
Cristian Ferreira says:
I, Cristian Ferreira, reaffirm my commitment to the Xenia Declaration as a Wiccan and devotee to the Gods of my ancestors.
Delaney Daur says:
I, Delaney Daur, proudly sign the Xenia Declaration (as it is written at the time of my signing) as a Greco-Roman polytheist and devotee to Hades and Persephone.
Quinn says:
Quinn, and I fully and wholeheartedly support this declaration
Orion B. says:
I fully support the Xenia declaration!!! Praise the theoi!
Michael A Conner @NeuroCoolWheels @Hellenic-Witch says:
I stand with this Declaration and against Xenomisia
Jeremy says:
I hereby support this declaration
Renee Sosanna Olson says:
As a devotee of Hecate and a follower of the middle path, I agree and fully support this initiative.
Renee Sosanna Olson
http://www.neuseriverwitch.com – Witchcraft
http://www.byherfires.com – Hecate
Hillary says:
I, Rayne, sign and fully support and accept the declaration!
Craig James says:
I fully support the Xenia Declaration.
Elizabeth says:
I support the declaration!
CJ Richardson says:
Mae Jean says:
Hope V says:
I hereby sign these declarations and fully agree. I am a Hellenic Pagan, Hera Devotee and worshiper of other Theoi.
Marcus Aurelius says:
I, Marcus Aurelius, fully accept and support the Xenia declaration.
Persie Nihil says:
I, Persie Nihil, accept and support the Xenia declaration.
Izzy D says:
Izzy D, of The Temple Doors, accepts the Xenia Declaration.
Katie Brown says:
I, Katelynn Brown, fully accept and support the Xenia declaration.
Astrid Fornhoff says:
I, Astrid Fornhoff, both accept and fully support the Xenia declaration.
Alexia Moon says:
I, Alexia Moon, fully accept and Support the Xenia Declaration.
Blog: http://www.sob-luar.pt
ICT Temple: https://iseumcaminhodaterra.blogspot.com/
Red says:
I, Red, accept and support the Declaration of Xenia fully.
D says:
I agree and support the Xenia Declaration.
Miria says:
I fully accept and support the Xenia declaration. Acceptance, inclusion, and hospitality always.
Damien Hunt says:
Signed and wholly agreed.
Kian says:
i accept and support the xenia declaration <3
Kian says:
i accept and support the xenia declaration <3
Judith Mageia says:
I accept and fully support the Xenia Declaration.
Greg says:
I hereby accept and support the Xenia Declaration.
Michael Scott says:
I accept and fully support
Maia says:
I, Maia, hereby accept and support Xenia Declaration.
Nori says:
I accept and wholeheartedly support the Xenia Declaration!
Alex says:
I accept and fully support the Xenia declaration! I promise to fight against bigots in our community and outside of it!
James Powell says:
I accept and support the xenia declaration. We are stronger together.
James Powell says:
I accept and fully support the Xenia Declaration.
Aleksis Tristan Shaw says:
Aleksis Tristan Shaw fully supports the Xenia Declaration!
Stephanie says:
I accept and support the Xenia Declaration.
Harley A. Wynn says:
I accept and support the Xenia declaration! ♥️
Le_C_Assef says:
I accept and support the xenia declaration.
Megara says:
I affirm my acceptance and support of the Xenia Declaration.
Weston mason says:
I accept
Noah Nickens says:
I, Noah Nickens, accept and support the Xenia Declaration
Stephanie says:
This comment acts as my signature for the Xenia declaration. I fully support and accept the declaration.
Sil says:
I, Sil @atropasilentium, devotee of Hekate, support the Xenia Declaration.
Gene Laurus says:
I, Gene Laurus, fully accept and support the Xenia Declaration.
Amoret says:
Amoret fully supports and signs the Xenia Declaration
Thomas Alexander says:
I am proud to accept and support the Xenia Declaration
Solaris says:
I accept and fully support the Xenia Declaration
Flynn says:
I, F.M, wholeheartedly support and honor the Xenia Declaration. We are stronger together <3
Mercasis says:
I support the xenia declaration.
June the Crow says:
I wholeheartedly sign and stand with this declaration.
Crisis says:
I, Crisis, support the Xenia Declaration, and sign it under my new name.
Alan says:
I accept and wholeheartedly support Xenia Declaration.
Sonny says:
Sonny (buggabeewtich on tumblr) supports the Xenia Declaration
Fern says:
I, Fern Wiggins, sign and fully support the Xenia Declaration.
tobias says:
i support the xenia declaration
tobias says:
i fully accept and support the xenia declaration
Emilie Alock says:
I, Emilie Alock, accept and sign the Xenia Declaration
Isra says:
I, Isra, accept and fully support the Xenia Declaration
Foxy says:
Foxy a lue et accepter la déclaration du Xenia
Carol Bueno says:
Carol Bueno accepts and fully supports the Xenia Declaration.
Rachel Duvall says:
I support this wholeheartedly
Kat M.G. says:
Kat (khairehestia on Tumblr) is a proud supporter of the Xenia Declaration
Tamara says:
In full support of this declaration 🙂
Fern says:
I, Fern Wiggins, fully accept and support the Xenia declaration.
Ambrose says:
I, Ambrose Cvetko, sign and support the Xenia declaration
V.S. says:
Steven (@grandanthemsofwind on tumblr) wholeheartedly accepts and supports the Xenia Declaration.
alien says:
i (@ thatonealienchild on tumblr) fully accept and support the xenia declaration.
Xonez says:
I, Alexis Xonez, sign and support the Xenia Declaration.
vis says:
i (@dialoguedivine on tumblr) am in full acceptance and support of the xenia declaration.
Nyx Shadowhawk says:
I, Nyx Shadowhawk, accept and support the xenia declaration.
sofi says:
I support this declaration!
The Coruscant Collective says:
Morphos and Orpheus sign and accept the Xenia Declaration.
Adonia Mitchum says:
I, Cosmos (@tatertotcosmonaut), do swear to uphold the Xenia Declaration and support it.
Samantha Kaitlyn Gust says:
I, Samantha Kaitlyn Gust willingly of sound mind-body, and soul sign, accept and support the Xenia Deceleration.
Chysus says:
Dionysus devotee, happily accepts the Xenia declaration.
zephyr prince says:
I sign to the Xenia Declaration.
Metzo says:
I, Metzo Theseus, support and sign the Xenia Declaration
Toby says:
I, Toby/Theseus, follower of Apollo, Ares, and Thanatos, agree to and sign the Xenia Declaration.
Hyacinthus says:
Hey fello Apollo and Ares follower! <3
Anna says:
I, Anna, follower and devotee of Dionysus, agree to and sign the Xenia Declaration.
Leo Hyacinthus says:
I, Hyacinthus, devotee of Ares and Apollo, sign the Xenia declaration in the name of the gods!
Ace says:
I fully agree, sign and support the Xenia Declaration.
Kaia Persson says:
I fully support and wish to associate myself with the Xenia Declaration
Andrew St-Jacques says:
I approve of this declaration.
Alcofrybas Nasier says:
I fully support the intent and goal of this declaration.
Kaii says:
I verify this is my agreement to the Xenia Declaration and all that it encompasses.
Leaf JS says:
All my support.
Gunnar Heath says:
I, Gunnar Heath, understand and sign this.
lysanthiir says:
signed x
Morgan Duff says:
my love to you all 💛
Connor Mcmillan says:
Connor McMillan supports the Xenia Declaration
Felix Neech says:
I, Felix Neech, accept and fully support the Xenia declaration.
Avery A. says:
I, Avery Alexander, sign and accept the Xenia Declaration.
Kharis Mondheim says:
I, Kharis, Hera and Iris devotee, sign and support the Xenia Declaration.
Arwen says:
Arwen, (thebeautifulthorns on tumblr), signs and fully supports the Xenia Declaration.
Julie says:
I accept and fully support the Xenia Declaration. (@of-wine-and-war on tumblr)
sapphicseance says:
signed with full support<3
Robert Lee Brown says:
I, Robert Lee Brown, fully support and whole heartedly agree with the Xenia Declaration with every fibre of my being. I can be found across the web under various versions of the name SuileBhride. I’m Suile-Bhride on Tumblr, and suilebhride.poetry.blog on WordPress, though I need to actually work on getting that location fully up and running!
Robert Lee Brown says:
I, Robert Lee Brown, the person behind the Suile Bhride brand, agree with and embrace the Xenia Declaration with every fibre of my being! Hail Demeter and Persephone! Hail the Theoi as a whole! May hospitality, common decency, and similar concepts always be embraced and allowed to thrive!
catelin says:
@apollons-arrow on tumblr fully accepts and supports the xenia declaration !
inprisonforsparkling says:
I, Oliver (inprisonforsparkling on tumblr), newbie Hellenic Polytheist, sign and fully support the Xenia Declaration.
Kai says:
I, Kai, support and sign the Xenia Declaration
Ceridwen says:
Signed! Hail the Theoi <3
Terri Simon says:
Terri Simon accepts and fully supports this declaration.
Avery says:
Signing with my full support <3
laura says:
I, Laura Bernardo Ferrari, Brazilian, woman and member of the LGBTQIA+ community and devotee of Artemis, Hestia and Athena, support and fully sign this declaration
Elias says:
I, Elias, sign and fully accept the Xenia declaration
David Micael says:
I fully support this declaration.
Vincent Purkeypile says:
I sign the Xenia Declaration!!
Corbin Burns says:
I, Corbin Burns, Sign the Xenia Declaration
Lorelei Rivers says:
I, Lorelei Rivers, sign and support the Xenia Declaration.
Yarrow says:
I, Yarrow, sign and fully accept the Xenia declaration.
Adaline says:
I sign the xenia declaration
Jessica says:
I sign the Xenia Declaration; I wholeheartedly affirm and fervently support all statements made therein.
Soror Alice says:
Alice Adora Spurlock, aka Soror Alice, signs the Xenia Declaration and commits to cultivate the virtue of xenia.
Lorelai H says:
I wholeheartedly pledge to welcome any and all, hoping one day we can all become united and elevate the gods glories
Lorelai says:
I wholeheartedly sign & agree with the xenia declaration
Flying Squirrel says:
I, Flying Squirrel, known aoidetically as Dan o’ Shanter, do hereby swear upon my honor as a faerie knight and pandikaiosynē ally, to uphold the principles of xenia in letter AND in heart, embracing and commiting to all that is stated in its Declaration.
Karen Ruiz says:
I sign the Xenia Declaration
Revan French says:
I, Revan Lucas Creed French (they/he/it), do wholeheartedly support and sign the Xenia Declaration.
Lisa Tyrell says:
I, Lisa Tyrell, wholeheartedly sign and agree with The Zenia Declaration.
Kestrel says:
I, Kestrel, aka PaganPillar, accept and wholeheartedly agree with the Xenia Declaration.
Julian says:
I, Julian Valentino, disabled, queer Hellenic pagan practitioner, sign and agree with the Xenia Declaration. My Tumblr is “pearlsandjustice” and can be found at the link below
relic tealeaf says:
I, Relic Tealeaf, wholeheartedly sign and agree with The Zenia Declaration.
Javi R. says:
I fully and wholeheartedly support and sign the Xenia Declaration.
Javi R. says:
I wholeheartedly support and sign the Xenia Declaration.
Kay Alexandreia says:
I, Kay Alexandreia, fully and wholeheartedly support and sign the Xenia Declaration.